Tips for Embracing a Rainy Wedding Day

Rain on your wedding day can be upsetting, but it doesn't have to ruin your day. A rainy wedding day can offer some of the most beautiful and memorable moments of your day. As a wedding photographer, I can attest that a little rain can result in some of the best wedding photography. As it’s Ireland, here are five suggestions for making the most of a rainy wedding day.

1) The first and most important tip for embracing a rainy wedding day is to be prepared for the weather. Make sure to bring umbrellas for you and your bridal party. If you're having an outdoor ceremony, make sure to have a backup plan for moving indoors. I would say don’t look at the weather until a day or two before. No offence to Met Eireann but they can get it very wrong! 

2) Challenging weather conditions can inspire me creatively as a photographer. You can come up with creative ways of making the best of the situation if we all work together. Rainy weather can create unique and beautiful photo opportunities that are impossible to capture on a sunny day. I would say just be open to try things and take shelter if needed.

3) You won’t believe me but I love overcast days. Don’t get me wrong, I love a sunny outdoor wedding with everyone in their shades and enjoying their drinks. Buuuut …cloudy and overcast skies produce soft, flattering light ideal for portraits. Harsh sunlight can cast unflattering shadows and make getting the perfect shot just as difficult as rain!

4) Rain on a wedding day is considered lucky in many cultures. Rain is associated with a strong marriage in Hindu traditions because it is thought to wash away negativity and purify the couple. I've seen enough headless Child of Prague to know that many of us are happy to view it as a sign of good fortune:)

5) A rainy wedding day makes for a great story to tell for years to come. It adds character and individuality to their wedding, making it unique among the others. Some of my favourite weddings have been those with the happiest couples, regardless of the weather. Embrace it all and keep in mind the reasons for having the day and the people around you. They are what is important.


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