Why You Should Consider Doing a First Look on Your Wedding Day

As a wedding photographer, I've seen many wedding traditions and trends come and go, but the first look has remained over the years. In case you don’t know, a first look is when the couple getting married see each other before the wedding ceremony.  While it is not for everyone, there are various strong reasons why you should consider a first look on your wedding day. Here are five examples:

Extra Photography Time

1) You'll have more time to take photos of the two of you together if you do a first look, which means you'll have a greater variety of shots to choose from. You'll also have more opportunities to get creative with the location.

More Time to Party

2) A first look can also help you plan the timing of your wedding day. Instead of rushing to take photos after the ceremony, get them done ahead of time and spend more time with your guests during the reception.

Calm Your Nerves

3) Many couples find that seeing each other before the ceremony helps each other to calm down those aul nerves. It can also be a special and intimate moment between the two of you before the whirlwind that is your wedding day. Seeing each other for the first time on your wedding day can be an extremely emotional experience. By doing a first look, you can capture those raw and genuine emotions, without having an audience at the top of the aisle.

Get Your Family Photos Done

4) A first look is also a great way to share the occasion with your closest friends and family. You can have your parents or wedding party witness from a distance, adding to the excitement and emotion of the celebration. You could also get your family photos done before the ceremony, leaving very few ‘must have’ photos left to do.

Helps With Your Timeline

5) Finally, doing a first look can help you create a more structured timeline for your wedding day. You can plan the rest of your day and ensure that everything runs smoothly if you know exactly when and where you'll be taking photos.


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